Thursday, 19 April 2012

Free Training Videos with Twitter Tool

For those of you who use Twitter to do your marketing, here is another alternative software to help you.

With the recent demise of Tweetattacks due to legal action by Twitter, there are only a few  good alternatives that are still available out there that can still do a decent job of managing your twitter accounts. Tweetadder is one such software.
For me, the great thing about Tweetadder is its FREE training videos that are available for its affiliates.

Even if you have no interest in Twitter or promoting Tweetadder, just signing up for their affiliate program allows you gain access to hours of their excellent FREE training video in internet marketing. It teaches you the basics of making money online and also provides you with the resources to do so.

I would thoroughly recommend signing up especially for someone new to internet marketing mainly for its free video training, even if you have no interest in buying or promoting the software.

They also have videos that are also a great resource to seasoned internet marketers. So check  out the free videos by signing up as an affliate. Its free to sign up as well and you get $10 deposited into your account just for signing up. You may also gain some valuable experience by learning to promote it as well. Who knows, you may even make some decent income from it.

1-Check it out here-
2-click on affiliates .Scroll down to the bottom and click sign up
3-once you have signed up, in the affiliate section,
 under training materials, select 'training videos'

Below is a screenshot of the list of the videos that are available the last time I checked. (NOTE: the video links don't work on this page because of copyright issues) Unfortunately, I am not allowed post a direct link to these videos as they require you to access them from their main page. So please follow the link and instructions above. (steps 1-3)
They have over 20+ videos

 General Affiliate Marketing
What is affiliate marketing?
Running Time: 7:08 minutes.
Principles of successful affiliate marketing.
Running Time: 9:38 minutes.
Where to find traffic.
Running Time: 11:05 minutes.
How to improve your conversion ratio.
Running Time: 11:26 minutes.
Beginners blueprint.
Running Time: 14:42 minutes.

 Marketing Materials
Running Time: 12:10 minutes.
Text Links
Running Time: 5:45 minutes.
Email Links
Running Time: 8:02 minutes.

 General Account Functions
General Stats
Running Time: 7:46 minutes.
Running Time: 4:31 minutes.
Payment History
Running Time: 2:45 minutes.
Traffic Log
Running Time: 5:41 minutes.
My Account
Running Time: 2:11 minutes.
CommissionAlert & CommissionStats
Running Time: 2:06 minutes.

 Tier System
Tier System Explained
Running Time: 3:09 minutes.
Tier System Basics
Running Time: 4:33 minutes.

 Advanced Affiliate Marketing
Keyword Tools
Running Time: 7:47 minutes.
Your Own Website
Running Time: 36:19 minutes.
Google Adwords
Running Time: 27:16 minutes.
Forum Marketing
Running Time: 9:11 minutes.
Article Marketing
Running Time: 12:22 minutes.
Affiliate Link Cloaking
Running Time: 14:26 minutes.

 Advanced Marketing Materials
Keyword Tracking Links
Running Time: 11:49 minutes.
Alternate Incoming Page Links
Running Time: 12:23 minutes.
Sub-Affiliate Tracking Links
Running Time: 7:15 minutes.
Analyzing Custom Reports
Running Time: 6:32 minutes.

 Professional Affiliate Marketing
Advanced Keyword Tools
Running Time: 9:17 minutes.
Social Marketing
Running Time: 12:41 minutes.
Video Marketing
Running Time: 7:03 minutes.
Viral Marketing
Running Time: 16:29 minutes.
ROI Tracking
Running Time: 00:01 minutes.

Hope you have fun with it and would love to hear your comments


  1. i tried to open the videos but cant be open.

    1. hiya.
      as mentioned in the article, it is a screenshot of the videos available. you have to sign up to watch the free videos :) just follow the instructions below
      and click on affiliates . Scroll down to the bottom and click sign up
      once you have signed up, in the affiliate section,
      under training materials, select 'training videos'

      hope this helps
